📄️ Eremite Axe Vanguard
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Crossbow
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Daythunder
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Clearwater
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Linebreaker
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Ravenbreak Halberdier
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Sunfrost
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.
📄️ Eremite Sword-Dancer
A member of a loosely-organized mercenary corps from the golden desert sands. Will work for anyone as long as the pay is good.