Elemental Resonance
📄️ Elemental Resonance
When you have a full party, you will receive bonus effects, known as Elemental Resonances, that correspond to the Elemental Types present in the party.
Trial Character Resonances
By: Veggie#0581
Added: 2021-10-28 (v. 2.2)
Last tested: 2021-10-28 (v. 2.2)
The Trial Character from a party does not get the bonuses from Elemental Resonances, nor do they contribute to Elemental Resonances.
- Imgur Album
- Resonance tests with the following 5th party member: Character Story Eula (4 Elements), Hangout Thoma (Geo, Hydro, Pyro, 4 Elements), Hangout Noelle (Hydro).
- Additionally, Pyro Resonance test with Hangout Thoma as 4th character (regular party of 3, no Pyro Resonance).
- Electro Resonance Electro Particle generation with Hangout Thoma: YouTube
- Anemo Resonance Cooldown Reduction with Hangout Thoma: YouTube
- Pyro Resonance for Thoma damage calculation: Imgur
- (related video: YouTube)
Resonance bonuses regularly visible on the Attributes page are not added to the Trial Character's Attributes page. Pyro Resonance not being applied is also effective in damage calculation. Having the Trial Character be the 5th or 4th party member does not make a difference.
All Trial Characters in Story Quests and Hangouts (including untested characters) are expected neither to be affected by Elemental Resonances, nor to contribute to any Elemental Resonances (including untested Resonance bonuses).
When testing and verifying damage calculations with Trial Characters, this interaction with Elemental Resonances should be considered.
Swirl Chain Reactions Can Trigger Electro Resonance
By: vinsette#0293
Added: 2021-11-01 (v. 2.2)
Last tested: 2021-11-01 (v. 2.2)
Electro-related reactions (Electro-Charged, Overload, Superconduct) caused by Swirl chain reactions can trigger the effect of Electro Resonance.
Electro Resonance is easier to trigger and more consistent with an Anemo driver than previously expected.
Cryo Resonance Applies CRIT Rate For Cryo Before Reactions
Added: 2022-01-14 (v. 2.4)
Last tested: 2022-01-14 (v. 2.4)
Finding: Cryo resonance determines if an enemy has Cryo for its CRIT Rate buff before reactions remove auras.
Geo Resonance With Off Field Characters
By: @xochiyoh
Added: 2024-09-13 (v. 4.9)
Last tested: 2024-08-27 (v. 4.8)
Geo Resonance's RES Shred can't be applied from off-field
With Noelle's A1 shield, Chiori's Tamato damage is the same before and after she goes off-field, but drops down when the shield expires. Additionally, the debuff indicator (down-pointing arrows) on the Lawachurl disappear at ~0:49, which is only ~7s after her most recent shielded hit from off-field, but about 15s (the stated duration of the Geo RES Shred in Geo Resonance's description) after her most recent shielded hit from on-field.
Kaeya's Burst DMG with no shield is 5811. With his C4 shield, from off-field, his Burst deals 6351 damage. Ningguang's NA DMG is 42 before and after Kaeya's Burst hits while he is shielded and off-field.
Geo Resonance can apply its DMG%, but not the ability to apply its Geo RES Shred effect, to off-field characters that have 1-character shields like Noelle's A1, Kaeya's C4, and The Bell.