📄️ Blessing of the Abyssal Moon
Each Blessing of the Abyssal Moon changes every 1st and 16th days of the month.
Splendiferous Moon Abyss Blessing Mechanics
By: jamberry#7142 and NZPIEFACE#8439
Added: 2021-12-16 (v. 2.3)
Last tested: 2021-12-16 (v. 2.3)
The Abyss Blessing from Nov 16 2021 to Nov 30 2021, Splendiferous Blessing, is an attack from your character that deals true damage based on enemy level and unaffected by ATK, DMG%, CRIT, char LVL, and resistance. This damage does not deal poise damage.
- Raiden Skill works, Superconduct does not affect damage
- Albedo Skill works
- Qiqi healing works
- Mona Omen doesn't affect damage, damage doesn't pop Omen bubble
- WGS is triggered
- Unforged stacks
- Bell DMG% doesn't work - Reens#9389
- Damage scaling: Google Doc
Assuming other Abyss Blessing procs operate similarly, they will benefit weaker accounts more so than stronger accounts since they add damage unaffected by investment level. Players do not need to play around buffing their Abyss Blessing damage.
Abyss True DMG
By: @steno119
Added: 2024-02-05 (v. 4.4)
Last tested: 2023-12-01 (v. 4.2)
On top of the properties listed in the above finding, True DMG from Blessings in Spiral Abyss have different base DMG depending on the blessing (i.e. the true DMG blessing from the previous phase may deal different damage from the current one). However, the damage all scale exactly according to the enemy/environment level multiplier listed in the TCL, using the level of the enemies in the current chamber.
This sheet shows a copy of data from the previous ticket, and compares it to the shockwave DMG from this abyss blessing at various levels, as well as showing their relationship to the enemy/environment level multiplier. The Nov 16, 2023 abyss uses a multiplier of 12 (c.o. fooshi), the Dec 1, 2023 abyss used a multiplier of 6 (c.o. clevernt, but not shown on sheet), and the previous recorded blessing used a multiplier of 5 and 8.33:
Google Docs