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Blessing of the Abyssal Moon

Each Blessing of the Abyssal Moon changes every 1st and 16th days of the month.

Splendiferous Moon

PhaseStart Date
WaningNovember 16, 2021

After the challenge begins, when the active character's Elemental Energy is greater than or equal to 50%, they will continuously release shockwaves that deal DMG to opponents. When their Elemental Energy reaches 100%, these shockwaves will deal even greater DMG.

  • The DMG of this Blessing is based on enemy level and is unaffected by ATK, DMG%, CRIT, character level, and resistance.
  • True DMG from Blessings in Spiral Abyss have different base DMG depending on the blessing. However, the damage all scale exactly according to the enemy/environment level multiplier listed in the TCL, using the level of the enemies in the current chamber.

Evidence Vault

📄️ Blessings

Splendiferous Moon Abyss Blessing Mechanics