Omni-Ubiquity Net
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📄️ Omni-Ubiquity Net
Miscellaneous findings
Omni-Ubiquity Net Stuff
By: Puffin#9920, Pouf#7319, and ShampooBrain#9583
Added: 2022-01-16 (v. 2.4)
Last tested: 2022-01-16 (v. 2.4)
Findings and Evidence:
- The Omni-Ubiquity Net (OUN) has a 1-animal-per-net limit. - YouTube
- If more than one animal is in the OUN's AoE, the animal closest to the player is captured. - (YouTube, imgur, imgur, imgur, imgur)
- Using the OUN near an animal will startle nearby animals, even if Sayu/Aloy are in the party, even if no animal is actually captured. - (YouTube, YouTube, YouTube)
- The OUN does not seem to have a time limit on how long it can be held without capturing an animal (Additionally, you can rotate a full 360 degrees while holding it, but there is a maximum upper/lower angle that it can be aimed). - YouTube
- The OUN can't be used in Domains or Abyss, like most other gadgets. - YouTube
- The OUN can capture birds in midair if the player is quick enough. - YouTube
- It's possible to capture Frozen boars from Dragonspine without unfreezing them. - YouTube
- The OUN can be used in another player's world, regardless of guest/host status. - (YouTube, YouTube)
- OUN has an estimated range of at least 23.46 meters.
- How the player's distance from an animal and aim with the OUN affect which animal is captured has inconclusive results and needs further investigation. - (YouTube, YouTube, YouTube)
- Better understanding of how the Omni-Ubiquity Net (OUN) works.
- Better chance of catching the animal you want.
- No cheating to get achievements.