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The Temple of Silence's heir. Burdened with secrets, he comes from the sands.


Base Stats

Asc.Lv.Base HPBase ATKBase DEFCRIT RateCRIT DMGElemental Mastery
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Normal Attack: Royal Reed Archery Icon
Normal Attack: Royal Reed Archery

Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, the power of Electro will accumulate on the arrowhead before the arrow is fired. Has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:

  • Charge Level 1: Fires off an arrow carrying the power of lightning that deals Electro DMG.
  • Charge Level 2: Fires off a Shadowpiercing Shot which can pierce enemies, dealing Electro DMG to enemies along its path. After the Shadowpiercing Shot is fully charged, Sethos cannot move around.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Ascension Passives

Thoth's Revelation Icon
Thoth's Revelation

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.


Sealed Shrine's Spiritsong Icon
Sealed Shrine's Spiritsong

The CRIT Rate of Shadowpiercing Shot is increased by 15%.

Full Talent Values

NameLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3Lv. 4Lv. 5Lv. 6Lv. 7Lv. 8Lv. 9Lv. 10Lv. 11
1-Hit DMG52.6%56.9%61.2%67.3%71.6%76.5%83.2%89.9%96.7%104.0%111.3%
2-Hit DMG23.8%+26.6%25.7%+28.8%27.7%+30.9%30.4%+34.0%32.4%+36.2%34.6%+38.7%37.6%+42.1%40.7%+45.5%43.7%+48.9%47.0%+52.6%50.4%+56.3%
3-Hit DMG74.0%80.0%86.0%94.6%100.7%107.5%117.0%126.5%135.9%146.3%156.6%
Aimed Shot43.9%47.4%51.0%56.1%59.7%63.8%69.4%75.0%80.6%86.7%92.8%
Aimed Shot Charge Level 1124.0%133.3%142.6%155.0%164.3%173.6%186.0%198.4%210.8%223.2%235.6%
Shadowpiercing Shot DMG140.0% ATK+134.6% Elemental Mastery150.5% ATK+144.7% Elemental Mastery161.0% ATK+154.7% Elemental Mastery175.0% ATK+168.2% Elemental Mastery185.5% ATK+178.3% Elemental Mastery196.0% ATK+188.4% Elemental Mastery210.0% ATK+201.8% Elemental Mastery224.0% ATK+215.3% Elemental Mastery238.0% ATK+228.8% Elemental Mastery252.0% ATK+242.2% Elemental Mastery266.0% ATK+255.7% Elemental Mastery
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.6%/141.9%122.9%/153.5%132.1%/165.0%145.3%/181.5%154.6%/193.1%165.2%/206.3%179.7%/224.5%194.2%/242.6%208.8%/260.8%224.6%/280.6%240.5%/300.4%

Evidence Vault

📄️ Sethos

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