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📄️ Xiao
A yaksha adeptus who defends Liyue. Also heralded as the "Conqueror of Demons" and "Vigilant Yaksha."
Basic Mechanics
- Frame data - Google Sheets - Kolibri#7675
- Burst frame data Google Sheets - Kolibri#7675
Attack Mechanics
N1JCP Low/High Plunge Threshold
By: Artesians#0002
The difference between initiating a low plunge from the jet combo (N1CJP) is literally 1 frame of input. At 8 frames between your jump and your plunge input, you do a low plunge, but if you wait 9 frames, you will do a high plunge.
Xiao's vertical displacement is super quick. If you want to do the jet combo, you need to get to the point where you get a high plunge, so the video is a good reference to know when you fail/do it correctly. It is also better to be late and high plunge than it is to be early and low plunge.
Skill Mechanics
Xiao E Plunge
By: mementomori#0001
Added: 2022-07-15 (v. 2.8)
Last tested: 2022-07-15 (v. 2.8)
Xiao's Skill can allow him to plunge, even below jump level.
Plungy Boi :)
Burst Mechanics
Xiao Keeps His Mask
By: Rathalos#2875
Added: 2022-03-29 (v. 2.5)
Last tested: 2022-03-29 (v. 2.5)
Xiao can keep his mask in the overworld for an indefinite amount of time through the use of Burst cancels.
The mask can be removed if:
- Xiao uses his Burst and lets it expire naturally
- Xiao is swapped out from the party via party changer
- Xiao enters a domain
- Xiao enters an instanced location (like restaurants)
- Xiao dies
Obtaining the mask
Removing the mask
Allows Xiao to keep his mask. Good for picture-taking events and other aesthetic purposes.
Venti’s Ult and Plunges
Xiao’s plunge does not hit enemies within Venti’s ult. When it does it’s when the enemies hit the floor.
Players should try to time Xiao’s ult to when an enemy hits the floor so the enemy may receive DMG from it. Random plunge ATKs most likely will NOT hit the enemies. Also players can save their primogems if they were planning to roll for Venti for plans of CC for Xiao. If you are running both Venti and Xiao then alternate ults as you go. When Xiao's Q is up then Venti's isn't and vice versa.