Traveler (Dendro)
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📄️ Traveler (Dendro)
A traveler from another world who had their only kin taken away, forcing them to embark on a journey to find The Seven.
Basic Mechanics
- Aether frame data (Common) - Kolibri#7675
- Aether frame data (Dendro) - Kolibri#7675
- Lumine frame data (Common) - Kolibri#7675
- Lumine frame data (Dendro) - Kolibri#7675
- ICDs:
- E: None - Puffin#9920
- Q: Standard
- C0:
- Without Electro Transfiguration - Zakharov#5645
- With Electro Transfiguration - Zakharov#5645
- C2:
- Without Electro Transfiguration - Zakharov#5645
- With Electro Transfiguration - Zakharov#5645
- C0:
- Gauges:
- E: 1U - Puffin#9920
- Q snapshots on cast - Bobrokrot#0111
MC Base ATK Buff
By: Clear_Storm#9388, Khezu#4363
Added: 2022-09-04 (v. 3.0)
Last tested: 2022-09-04 (v. 3.0)
After a certain quest chain in Chapter III: Act I of the Sumeru Archon Quest, the Traveler obtains a Base ATK buff of exactly 3 Base ATK. This buff persists on every Element and is permanent.
YouTube [Archon Quest Spoilers]
For updated stats and calculation purposes.
Skill Mechanics
- DMC's Skill can hit a Ruin Guard's Weakspot. - Mystathi#9705
Burst Mechanics
- DMC Q ticks:
- At C0:
- Every 1.5s without Electro Transfiguration, 9 times in total. - Zakharov#5645
- Every 0.9s with Electro Transfiguration, 15 times in total. - Zakharov#5645
- At C2:
- At C0:
- Transfiguration:
- DMC Q can't be transfigured with auras on characters or enemies, it only transfigures with Elemental attacks. - BlueBery#9054 - Puffin#9920
- With one exception being enemy Burning aura (the AoE spreading part). - NZPIEFACE#8439
- Jean's self Swirls resulting from her Q and Bennett's Q can transfigure the Lamp since they are attacks as well. - BlueBery#9054
- 0-DMG Elemental Attacks can transfigure the Lamp. - Asaki#9139
- 0-Gauge Elemental Attacks cannot transfigure the Lamp. - NZPIEFACE#8439
- DMC Q can't be transfigured with auras on characters or enemies, it only transfigures with Elemental attacks. - BlueBery#9054 - Puffin#9920
- Properties of the extra tick. - pai#3602
- Transfiguring the Lamp delays the following tick, causing the last tick to hit after 15s (assuming the Lamp timer starts when the first tick hits the enemy).
- At C2,
- if Hydro Transfiguration occurs within 0.15s before or 0.37s after any tick, it's 12 times in total (instead of 11).
- if Electro Transfiguration occurs within 0.87s after the 1st tick or between 1.15s and 1.75s after the 1st tick, it's 18 times in total (instead of 17).
- AoE:
- DMC Q spawns ~1m directly in front of MC in whatever direction they're facing, and the radius of its range is ~3 Abyss tiles or 7.65 meters (untransfigured, give or take bc of the scalloped edges of the circle). - Puffin#9920
- Hydro-Transfigured DMC Q has a radius of ~5 Abyss tiles (12.75 meters; again, rough estimates because of uneven scalloped edges). - Puffin#9920
- Auras:
- The Lamp can hold a Cryo aura before it's transfigured. - graphten#1867
- The Lamp can't hold a Cryo aura after it's transfigured. - graphten#1867
- While the Lamp has a Cryo aura, it will not transfigure until the aura has been removed/decays. - graphten#1867
- The Lamp can hold Frozen aura. It can also Shatter from this. - NZPIEFACE#8439
- Triggering a Superconduct reaction with DMC's Lamp doesn't count as a reaction for Electro Resonance or 4-Piece Instructor. - Luna#0188
- Damage of the Spreads triggered by DMC's Burst ticks. - mina#4448
- AdditiveReactionDamage (flat number added to multiplier) is calculated dynamically with respect to DMC's A1.
- The Spread's total damage is calculated with the snapshotted A4 DMG Bonus% for that Lamp tick.
- Other Lamp properties:
- Oz will target an untransfigured Lamp when summoned without other targets. When enemies are present Oz will prioritize the enemies. - TheGaminSeshion#1648
DMC Burst Blooms On Hydro Transfiguration
By: Rathalos#2875
Added: 2023-01-15 (v. 3.3)
Last tested: 2023-01-15 (v. 3.3)
When coming into contact with Hydro, the Lea Lotus Lamp undergoes a Hydro Transfiguration, which simultaneously produces a Dendro Core. As the Lamp holds a Dendro aura, the trigger would always be the source of Hydro application.
Imgur - Bloom deals 84 self damage
Imgur - Proof of Bloom Ownership
- 1st Bloom (triggered by DMC): 249 self damage
- 2nd Bloom (triggered by Mona): 84 self damage
Relevant for teams that use the Bloom reaction; generates a Dendro Core without applying Dendro on enemy units.
DMC Q Extra Ticks And App
By: @mr.pillow., @aftermathrar
Added: 2023-06-24 (v. 3.7)
Last tested: 2023-05-05 (v. 3.6)
Dendro Traveler Q extra ticks and application.
(All findings are by Aftermath#7658)
By applying Electro shortly after one of the initial ticks of the Lea Lotus Lamp, it will get a third hit just before 2.5s and have an an extra element application, see the video: YouTube The Dendro application sequence is given by 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0. This is 19 hits and 7 applications compared to the normal 17 hits and 6 applications for an Electro-transfigured Lea Lotus Lamp.
Special tech can allow for an extra Dendro application. This is also evidence for a new upper limit for DMC Burst hits (previous documented was 18).
Ascension Mechanics
A1: Verdant Overgrowth
- A1 timer starts when the Burst is casted, not when the first tick hits. - pai#3602
A4: Verdant Luxury
- DMC's A4 doesn't get DMG Bonus% from Sucrose's A4 EM sharing. - Luna#0188
- DMC's A4 effect on their Burst damage snapshots the EM stat they have when they go off-field and updates it when they come back on-field. - mina#4448
- DMC's A4 acts like a DMG Bonus%. - Luna#0188
Constellation Mechanics
C1: Symbiotic Creeper
- DMC C1 generates 3.5 Energy regardless of the number of enemies hit. - Zakharov#5645
C4: Treacle Grass
- The 5 stacks from C4 are applied to the 2nd tick even if the Lamp is transfigured before the 1st tick, and its timing is independent from regular A1 stacks (which stays 1 per second). - pai#3602
C6: Withering Aggregation
- Dendro DMG Bonus starts when the Lamp is placed down and ends when it disappears, but it does not apply to DMC's Burst since it snapshots slightly before C6 starts. - pai#3602
- Hydro/Electro/Pyro DMG Bonus starts as soon as the Lamp is transfigured and ends when it disappears (in the case of Pyro it's about 2 seconds in total). - pai#3602
- The buff appears on the stat screen and can be snapshotted.
- DMC snapshots 2 Mistsplitter Reforged stacks on Burst cast. - mina#4448