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📄️ Furina
The absolute focus of the stage of judgment, until the final applause sounds.
Basic Mechanics
- Frame Data - Google Sheets - caramielle, charliex3000, and Eris
- Gauges:
- ICDs:
- Snapshotting:
- Skill: Dynamic - Video - soul_fish
- Burst:
Attack Mechanics
- Arkhe (Spiritbreath Torn/Surging Blade) attacks do not share a CD - Video - soul_fish
- Arkhe attacks count as NA damage - Video - mythikosontos
- Effects triggered by NA damage cannot proc while off-field
- Mistsplitter on-field, Mistsplitter off-field - acerbus114
- LoFI on-field, LoFI off-field - acerbus114
- Furina can CA without first doing N1, and she is able to buffer a CA after her last NA - Video - soul_fish
- Arkhe attacks apply 0U Hydro. It can interact with Romaritime Flowers and Flaming Flowers - Video - acerbus114
Skill Mechanics
- Particle Generation: 8, 1 particle every ~3.25 seconds - Google Sheets - jamberry and charliex3000
- Hit Rate Statistics: - Google Sheets - charliex3000 and freenek
- Healing range is approximately 7.5 abyss tiles - Video - sharaths21312
- Salon members drain HP at the start of their attacks - Video - soul_fish
- Only one instance of Furina's Skill can exist in Co-Op - Video - zerodyme.
- HP is drained even if Furina's Skill hits inaminate objects - Video - yuvx
- Furina CAx2 resets summons - Video - flyingzambie
- CA resets pet attack timers and can be used to increase the amount of hits some of them do - Video 1, Video 2 - soul_fish
- The HP drain can be iframed with burst, This negates fanfare gain, but it still counts towards the DMG bonus from eligible members - Video 1, Video 2 - soul_fish
- Ranged CAs are not able to change Salon member targeting above a certain (short) distance - Video - soul_fish
Burst Mechanics
- Burst fanfare range is approximately 14-15 domain tiles, and lingers after leaving range - Video - clevernt
- Burst follows the Furina around, giving the buff to anyone nearby in Co-Op - Video - clevernt
- Fanfare resets before Furina's Burst does damage, this also includes any benefits from her C2 (see HP in clip) - Video - soul_fish
- There is a fanfare crowd animation at every 25% of total fanfare. There is a final flash when you have max fanfare.
- Furina pets drain hp and convert it to fanfare stacks before their own hit takes place. HP drain is sequential with the most likely order being onfielder last and the rest are in the order of their party slots - Google Sheet, Video - is_this_maddie and paimonbukeyi
- Reviving a fallen party member counts as HP change and can give fanfare stacks - Video - sharaths21312
Ascension Mechanics
A1: Endless Waltz
- A1 only excludes herself, not other Furinas in co-op. Additionally, it can trigger from healing from other Furinas' a1 passives - Video - steno119
Constellation Mechanics
C1: Love Is a Rebellious Bird That None Can Tame
- Burst cast damage benefits from C1 stacks - Video - soul_fish
C4: Singer of Many Waters
- C4 restores energy even on overheal - Video - soul_fish
C6: Hear Me — Let Us Raise the Chalice of Love!
- Furina does not lose Center of Attention when swapping - Video - twce_
- Arkhe attack's damage is increased by C6's damage increase effect (18% Max HP). They do not count toward the trigger limit - video - annoying
- Furina C6 is not a true infusion, and does not entirely act like one. When active she is unable to hit trees but still able to destroy things like bushes, unlike true infusions - Video - soul_fish
- Furina C6 Hydro infusion is independent from the DMG bonus, attacks will snapshot if they should be infused, but not the C6 DMG bonus - Video - soul_fish
- In addition queuing a charged attack after the 6th proper hit (not after plunge) will keep the infusion but not any dmg bonus. Plunge collision also benefits from the base 18% scaling and does not contribute to the hit limit either.
- Skill's HP drain does not reduce Serpent Spine stacks - Video - imaginebeinggoodatthegame