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📄️ Chevreuse
The captain of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, who wears justice as an ever-present seal upon her heart. Her musket shall only ever point at the guilty.
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Chevreuse And DotDS Interaction Inconsistency
By: @eyezor., @petrb, @clevernt, @haafr
Added: 2024-05-30 (v. 4.6)
Last tested: 2024-05-19 (v. 4.6)
Proccing the Dialogues of the Desert Sages effect twice on Chevreuse' healing effect is inconsistent and may be constellation, hold/tap, ping and/or framerate dependent.
It appears that high ping can make it proc twice.
C0 low ping: YouTube
C0 high ping: YouTube (courtesy of @clevernt)
C6 high ping: YouTube (courtesy of @haafr)
Chevreuse needs to take the lack of second energy regen into account while calculating her ER needs, and more testing is needed.