- Yae Miko ft. Fischl, Diona, & Thoma
- Sangonomiya Kokomi & Raiden Shogun ft. Bennett, Xinyan, and Kujou Sara
- Venti & Kamisato Ayato ft. Sucrose, Xiangling, & Yun Jin
- Kamisato Ayaka ft. Razor, Rosaria, & Sayu
- Yelan & Xiao ft. Barbara, Yanfei, & Noelle
- Arataki Itto ft. Kuki Shinobu, Chongyun, & Gorou
- Klee, Kaedehara Kazuha, & Shikanoin Heizou soon!
New Guides
Reworked Guides
New Character Pages
Yae Miko
Character Page
Evidence Vault Page
Kamisato Ayato
Character Page
Evidence Vault Page
Character Page
Evidence Vault Page
Kuki Shinobu
Character Page
Evidence Vault Page
KQM Website Updates
The KQM website receives millions of visits every month. It's high time that the KQM website gets a makeover, and we're delighted to show off a few of our ideas for a redesign! Do note that there are issues with spacing and there are still iterative changes on the preview. We are not currently seeking out feedback.
KQM Infographic Updates
It's been a long while since we've put the infographics on the KQM website. We're please to announce that we've finally updated the scope and brevity for our infographics. They will contain notable constellations, have better weapon recommendations, and more space for extended notes.
Please stay tuned as we continue to upgrade our resources!
Kikin Bot
You may have noticed Kikin Bot take over a significant portion of our commands on our Discord. Some of you may have been even more keen and noticed that Kikin is now deployed to the limit of 250 servers, including our partnered servers! Once our verification goes through, Kikin will be available for invite to anyone's discord!
Kikin Bot's features include:
- Character Resources: KQM's latest infographics, builds and character guide
- FAQ Resources on a variety of game mechanics
- Theorycrafting Library content and built-in search feature for easy access
- Easy access to a variety of trusted theorycrafting, utilities, tools & sheets
- Built-In bot tools and calculators.
For any suggestions and feedback for Kikin, you can message us in our bot-feedback channel in Discord. Big thanks to Paper for developing Kikin!
KQM Compendium
KQM Compendium
The KQM Compendium has been a project that has been in the making for several months. At this point in time, there have been multiple submissions of a wide variety of team compositions to the KQM Compendium. The idea behind the KQM Compendium is to preserve the efforts of the theorycrafting community from being lost to the tides of Discord messages.
Currently, the Compendium displays:
- Stat blocks for each character
- Tagging system
- Search based on tags
- Pros/Cons
- Support for Google Sheet links, Excel files, and GC Sim permanent links
- Scoring for healing, shielding, and difficulty
- Rotation videos
- Team DPS breakdowns
- Author's notes
In the future, you can look forward to an expansion of our submission system, AoE and Single-target scoring, and a rotation bank that requires no calculations. The KQM Standards and About page are still being worked on, as the compendium site is still under construction.
KQM Calculation Standard
The KQM Standard (KQMS) is the working name of the document that KQM uses to standardize sub-stat distribution across different calculations. Firstly, KQM would like to iterate that changes to the KQMS will be made extremely rarely, and that revisions and versioning of the KQMS will begin soon. The current state of the KQMS is difficult to parse, so revisions will be made for accessibility & readability without changing any of the content.
The KQMS is also currently being examined in light of recent criticisms. The proposals that have been raised include low and hyper investment profiles, changes to the Energy Recharge requirements, and penalizing 3x EM mainstat distributions. For transparency, KQM will be internally evaluating the strength of each proposal and begin outlining the impact of changes to the KQMS. The GUOBA project has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of the KQMS and how well it tracks onto real player artifacts. Furthermore, each proposal will be evaluated on team compositions that would be most impacted by the changes and an internal selection of team compositions.
Changes to the KQMS will be versioned from this point forward and all changes will be recorded on the KQM Compendium website.
KQM will be opening recruitment drives for Scholar and Calc Monke positions.
Scholars are responsible for maintaining the Theorycrafting Library, the Discord ticket systems, and our other resources.
Calc Monkes will be a new division within KQM's Theorycrafting Staff that will be responsible for managing the KQM Compendium, KQMS proposals, and GUOBA.
If you're interested in helping out at KQM, keep your eyes peeled for our recruitment forms. If you think these tasks might be too overwhelming, don't worry! We'll be slowly onboarding you all.
Teyvat Theorycrafting Guide
For ages, theorycrafting has felt out of reach, as new theorycrafters have to consume months worth of work in order to catch up to everyone else! KQM will be dedicating more time and Energy to writing a dedicated guide to learning how to do theorycrafting. From internal cooldowns of reactions (ICD) to Elemental gauge theory (EGT) and simultaneous reaction priority (SRP), the Teyvat Theorycrafting Guide should get you up to speed.
Stay tuned to #teyvat-theorycrafting-guide as we continue to write!
Some of you may have noticed or purposefully ignored it, but KQM has new bots being deployed for managing our tickets and theoryhunts. Big thanks to Tibot and TiBot for making all of our lives much easier!
- TiBot uses /slash commands in order to /rename, /verify. You can find the directory of commands in TiBot's menus after typing /.
You'll be able to see our #ticket-feed and #ticket-directory to keep track of new developments in KQM Theorycrafting!
Genshin Wizard
KQM has additionally partnered with Genshin Wizard. You can also now use Genshin Wizard in KQM! You can register and show your builds, or reference recommendations.
- Use /register to connect your Genshin UID account to your commands!
- You can use /help or g!help to get access to a bigger command list!
Theorycrafting Library Submissions
Date | Entry | Author(s) |
February 6 | Freeze Extensions | srl#2712, ElliMiku#5071, Kourinn#6001, phaZZi#6461, Nass008#8577, Isu#6867 |
February 8 | Item Suck Limits | clrE#6290 |
| Hidden wall clip spot in Liyue Merchant Stall | Artellio#4479 |
February 10 | Reflecting Primo Geovishap Shower can be Swap Cancelled | yolitme0#0579 |
| Daily Elite Cap and Common Mob Cap | DoombringerEX#8888 |
| Plunge Attack Max Fall DMG Cap | TheFirstRapher#9207 |
February 14 | Diona Sacrifial Proc Inconsistency | Homura#9806 |
February 19 | Gacha Calculator | Tibo#4809 |
February 20 | Kaeya A4 vs Enemies That Can Not be Frozen | rot#5883 |
| Burst Range Limit | daibangden2460#8410 |
| ICD/Gauges for Fischl's Burst and C4 | ItzSomebody#0029 |
| Star Jades Have The Charged Attack Tag | Asaki#9139 |
| Ascension 1 Mechanics | pai#3602 and daibangden2460#8410 |
| Miasmic Tumor | NZPIEFACE#8439 |
| Extensive Look at What Heals Count for OHC | Juslin#7989 |
| Bokuso Box Can CRIT | melon#9323 |
| Statue Healing Works In Pause Menus | anmol43#6762 |
| Door Load Border Shenanigans | CrazyWeke123#9720 |
| The Weird Blue Rock | Pablos#1142 |
| Constructs Take Zone Level Damage | Vladone ツ#9281 |
| Capped Wood Types Register In Chopping Memory | Homura#9806 and mol#3280 |
February 21 | Shenhe C4 Mechanics | Zamo#6399 |
| Razor Reverse Scam | phaZZi#6461 |
| Razor Scam | Bobrokrot#0111 |
| Raiden Boss Resistances | Bobrokrot#0111 |
| Swap Dodge Confused Missiles | Kourinn#6001 |
| Favonius Proc Calculator | Mr. Pillow#0065 |
| Kagura Stack Refresh | ArchedNosi#1484 |
| Kagura Stacks Dynamic | ArchedNosi#1484 |
| Widsith and TTDS Work Off-Field | Charisma#5567 |
February 24 | Diona's Burst Position Snapshot | Ultimate Noob#2955 |
| Plunging Attacks in PP don't Generate Particles | Ieah.#2212 |
February 26 | Resetting or Exiting a Domain does not Reset Elemental Skill Cooldowns | Puffin#9920 |
March 1 | Fatui Armor and Aura Interactions | Rainfury#8343 |
| Oathsworn Passive Mechanics | Kurt#5846 |
| Multiple Prototype Amber Heals Don't Stack | Pana <3#0992 |
March 3 | Superconduct Mechanic Update | tamamo#4303 |
| Bokuso Box CRIT Rate and Damage Scale off of Character Stats | melon#9323 |
March 4 | Diona's Stamina Reduction Stacks With Other Sources | Ultimate Noob#2955 |
March 9 | Quills Don't Work on Balloons | Sincronic#3171 |
| Zhongli RES Shred Range | Xreejan#1180 |
| Amber E Duration Begins When Bunny Lands | Ieah.#2212 |
| Amber C2 Works on CO-OP Teammate Baron Bunnies | flibby404#5843 |
| EC Hydro Aura Electro Trigger Interaction is Bugged | D.....K#9002 |
| Elegy Stack Inconsistencies | Wüolf#3334 |
| klee-stacking-bug-has-been-fixed) for more information.** | solo#3333 |
| Aquila Healing is Affected by Healing Bonus | IAmOnYourSide#5431 |
| Charged Attack Speed Buff Update | tamamo#4303 |
| Not All Falls Water is False Water: Enkanomiya Addendum | Pablos#1142 |
March 13 | Zone Level Damage Is Based On Player Location | NZPIEFACE#8439 |
March 16 | Xingqiu EQE vs QEE | Steno#0119 |
| Shatter Doesn't Trigger Stuff | Peekays#2722 |
| Confirmation of Double Swirl on Freeze Aura Mechanics | Mutsuki#0884 |
| Crystal Spawn Location for Enemy | Sylenwolf#5802 |
| Coral Defender Orb Mechanics | Wesu#8719 |
| Cinnabar Passive Deactivation Bug | TheLocalMilkMan#0813 |
| Widsith Abyss Second Half Proc | Keteru#3020 |
| Stoves of Babel | Aevean Leeow#1362 |
| Passive Activation Distance | EdisonsMathsClub#6469, ItzSomebody#0029, Rito#9691, Madrigal#7486, milk tea romance#9022, Peekays#2722 |
| Phantom Phase Gates | Rathalos#2875 |
| Realm Currency Extended Analysis | chowr#0522 |
| Multiple Artifact Clusters After 100 | makeway4pK#3901 |
March 22 | Frozen AMC With E Active | Hoshbomb#6327 |
| MC Elemental Proc Difference | Rathalos#2875 |
| MC Elemental Proc Difference | Rathalos#2875 |
| GMC Wake Of Earth Interactions | Rathalos#2875 |
| Rockstep Tech | Rathalos#2875 |
| Zhongli Pillar Snapshot | Xreejan#1180 and Latiwings#3308 |
| Amber E Can Be Delayed by Crafting Table | walkers#1808 |
| EC on Electro-Charged Mechanics | Mutsuki#0884 |
| Basic Mechanics | pai#3602 |
| Husk Stacks Behave Exactly as Advertised | TheLocalMilkMan#0813 |
| Berry Max | makeway4pK#3901 |
March 26 | Beidou Proc Counts | jamberry#7142 |
March 29 | Sunfire Jean OL Triggering Freedom-Sworn | MeiMay#3039 |
| Kazuha Land Cancel | BowTae#0141 |
| Sucrose N1 Bug Misconceptions and Workarounds | BowTae#0141 |
| Xiao Keeps His Mask | Rathalos#2875 |
| Ushi Max Air Time | Homura#9806 |
| Ningguang Burst Wall Destroy Range | borderline#3100 |
| Zhongli E and Tenacity Snapshot Shenanigans | Latiwings#3308, Potade#9775, and Xreejan#1180 |
| Geo Construct Test | Rathalos#2875 |
| Infinite Torch | Sincronic#3171 |
| Certain Actions Reset Walking Mode | Madrigal#7486 |
| Not All Doors Are Equal | Puffin#9920 |
| Self-Freeze Can Be Canceled by Swapping | yolitme0#0579 |
| Crystal Chunk Inventory Cap | Cypher130n#6831 |
April 4 | You can't Melt signora off field | Puffin#9920 |
April 8 | Ganyu Construct Height Placement Shenanigans | Empyress#9451 |
| Beidou C6 Lingers | mando.#1646 |
| Raiden Energy Generation Against Shielded and Immune Enemies | Tsuki#8993 |
| Albedo A4 Triggers During Q Animation | Poisonite#0195 |
| Zhongli Construct Height Placement Shenanigans | Empyress#9451 |
| Kokomi Q Does Not Resnapshot | Kurt#5846 |
| Coral Defenders Can Double Spike In Abyss | makeway4pK#3901 |
| Freedom-Sworn Interaction With Weapon Infuse | borderline#3100 |
| Lightning Struck Tree Breaks When Swapping Characters | Sincronic#3171 |
| Bokuso Box Can Proc Stuff | Ieah.#2212 |
| Portable Waypoints Don't Stop Sheer Cold | Puffin#9920 |
| Elevator Affects Movement Speed | Pablos#1142 |
| The Chasm and Teyvat Update | Vladone ツ#9281 |
April 9 | Kazuha's Dynamically Changing Buff | Falafel#5123 |
April 10 | Raiden Normals and Burst do not share ICD | Charisma#5567 |
| Xingqiu Burst and Long Normal Attack Animation Interaction | Kaya#5005, Xandellicia#4609, Dooners#6709 |
April 15 | Aim Mode Frame Counts | BowTae#0141 and xSil3nt#0961 |
April 16 | Venti CA Skill Cancel | BowTae#0141 |
| Chongyun Burst Maximum Range | mando.#1646 |
| Raiden Resolve Decimal Stacks | jamberry#7142 |
| Maguu Kenki Phase Change HP Threshold Update | Mr. Pillow#0065 |
| Fishing Spot Prompt Bug | Beast Boy#2560 |
| Specialty Dish Rates | Creonalia#2818 |
| Flying Anemo Slimes Have Hitboxes | Kurt#5846 |
| Paimon Hates Climbing | Magnus Artifex#8719 |
| Fishing Spot Prompt Has Infinite Height | Beast Boy#2560 |
| Hanrocks | makeway4pK#3901 |
April 24 | Eula Burst Animation Cancel | TWICE#9958 |
| Klee A1 Bug | Tsuki#8993 |
| Klee Stacking Bug Has Been Fixed | pai#3602 |
| Geo Constructs Can't Handle Long Distance Relationships | mando.#1646 |
| Slimes in Barrels Blink | Magnus Artifex#8719 |
| Elemental Bursts Reset Directional Pad on Mobile | Madrigal#7486 |
| Properties of Eagles | Pablos#1142 |
May 5 | Xingqiu Damage Reduction is Affected By Omni DMG Bonus | Balakin1#7545 |
| Vertical Range of Certain Abilities | mando.#1646 |
May 7 | Diona’s Paws Home on Entities That Are Not Enemies | Ultimate Noob#2955 and Junolau#4337 |
| Elemental Infusion Hampers Wood Cutting | lapidibus#8146 and δανιελ#6040 |
May 12 | Diona C1 Range and Q Duration | Yume#2875 |
| Sara Burst Mechanics Update | Steno#0119 |
| Elemental Reactions Effects on Buried Dendro Slime | Pablos#1142 |
| Some Enemy CC is Level Dependent | jamberry#7142 |
| Some Pillars in Enka You Don't Take Fall Damage On | Ultimate Noob#2955 |
| Artifact Probability Thesis | tooflesswulf#8456 |
May 14 | Kazuha E Absorption Bug | Charisma#5567 |
| Baron Bunny Collision Mechanics | twentythree#3787 |
| Keeping Domain Doors Open | Magnus Artifex#8719 |
May 21 | Chasm Glitchy Bird | SquareRootOf-1#0898 |
| Highest Places in Teyvat | Beast Boy#2560 |
May 22 | Diona's Paws Don't Work Next to a Wall | Ultimate Noob#2955 |
| Kokomi A1 Description is Misleading | Ieah.#2212 |
| Raiden Boss Oneshot Mechanics | Luno#1337, Trosalio#0420, and addicted2reading#7262 |
May 23 | Childe E Cooldown is 6 Seconds When Immediately Swapped | yolitme0#0579 and BowTae#0141 |
June 6 | Fischl Energy Generation Correction | ItzSomebody#0029 |
| Klee Interaction with Skill Related Passives When Doing Skill Burst Cancel | Poisonite#0195 |
| Weapons and Heals | Daibangden#8410 |
June 14 | Kazuha Keeps Midare Ranzan Bug | Rathalos#2875 |
| Albedo's Elemental Skill Triggering is Pepega | NZPIEFACE#8439, Kolibri#7675 |
| Animals Can Be Debuffed | Valler™#3603 |
June 16 | Kokomi C2 Clarification | bobo#8267 |
June 20 | Lisa's C6 Mechanics | ArchedNosi#1484 |